Results for 'Rather Tajamul Islam'

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  1.  2
    Zamakhsharī’s Approach to the Art of Compliment as a Change of Style and Transition between Persons in his work al-Kashshāf.İslam Batur - 2025 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 12 (21):72-89.
    In this article, the art of compliment, which Zamakhsharī considered as a stylistic change and transition between persons in his work titled al-Kashshāf, was examined. In general, compliment is the art of creating a difference in style by changing direction within an expression, and serves the purposes of attracting attention and emphasizing. Zamakhsharī states that the art of compliment has two main functions: The first is to highlight the verses and capture the listener's attention by altering the routine of speech. (...)
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    The “Loyal” Narrators. An Examination of Post-Graduate Theses on the Kurdish Conflict and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Turkey.Islam Sargi - 2023 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 4 (7):e230106.
    The Kurdish question and the PKK have been among the topics that have gained massive importance for almost a century in politics, daily life, and among academics. The declaration of the PKK, the last ideological rebellion against the Turkish state, has translated the Kurdish problem into the problem of assimilation, nationalization, and standardization of the decades-long armed conflict between the Turkish army and the PKK. This article aims to present a discourse and content analysis of the master’s and doctoral dissertations (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures, Traditionalism and Politics: A Story from a Traditional Setting.Shahzad Uddin, Javed Siddiqui & Muhammad Azizul Islam - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (2):409-428.
    This paper demonstrates the political perspective of corporate social responsibility disclosures and, drawing on Weber’s notion of traditionalism, seeks to explain what motivates companies to make such disclosures in a traditional setting. Annual reports of 23 banking companies in Bangladesh are analysed over the period 2009–2012. This is supplemented by a review of documentary evidence on the political and social activities of corporations and reports published in national and international newspapers. We found that, in the banking companies over the period (...)
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    Contributing to Business Ethics though Thick Conceptualization.Michelle Greenwood & Gazi Islam - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (3):495-498.
    In this editorial essay we argue that contribution to business ethics theory and practice can be achieved through thick ethical conceptualization, that is, by working with concepts in a manner that is both deeply descriptive and normative. Rather than foreclose on what is ethical or unethical, good or bad, permissible or impermissible, we encourage all authors submitting to the Journal of Business Ethics to carefully and clearly explicate their ethical analysis of their study’s focal phenomena. For empirical papers this (...)
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  5. Contributing to Business Ethics though Thick Conceptualization.Michelle Greenwood & Gazi Islam - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-4.
    In this editorial essay we argue that contribution to business ethics theory and practice can be achieved through thick ethical conceptualization, that is, by working with concepts in a manner that is both deeply descriptive and normative. Rather than foreclose on what is ethical or unethical, good or bad, permissible or impermissible, we encourage all authors submitting to the _Journal of Business Ethics_ to carefully and clearly explicate _their_ ethical analysis of their study’s focal phenomena. For empirical papers this (...)
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  6. Data Mining and Privacy of Social Network Sites’ Users: Implications of the Data Mining Problem.Yeslam Al-Saggaf & Md Zahidul Islam - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (4):941-966.
    This paper explores the potential of data mining as a technique that could be used by malicious data miners to threaten the privacy of social network sites users. It applies a data mining algorithm to a real dataset to provide empirically-based evidence of the ease with which characteristics about the SNS users can be discovered and used in a way that could invade their privacy. One major contribution of this article is the use of the decision forest data mining algorithm (...)
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    (2 other versions)History of Islamic Philosophy.Oliver Leaman & Seyyed Hossein Nasr (eds.) - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    Islamic philosophy has often been treated as being largely of historical interest, belonging to the history of ideas rather than to philosophical study. This volume successfully overturns that view. Emphasizing the living nature and rich diversity of the subject, it examines the main thinkers and schools of thought, discusses the key concepts of Islamic philosophy and covers a vast geographical area. This indispensable reference tool includes a comprehensive bibliography and an extensive index.
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  8. The heart of Islamic philosophy: the quest for self-knowledge in the teachings of Afḍal al-Dīn Kāshānī.William C. Chittick - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book introduces the work of an important medieval Islamic philosopher who is little known outside the Persian world. Afdal al-Din Kashani was a contemporary of a number of important Muslim thinkers, including Averroes and Ibn al-Arabi. Kashani did not write for advanced students of philosophy but rather for beginners. In the main body of his work, he offers especially clear and insightful expositions of various philosophical positions, making him an invaluable resource for those who would like to learn (...)
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    Islam: the test of globalization.Abdelmajid Char - 2010 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 36 (3-4):295-307.
    Globalization has consequences for the religious sphere, but it does not constitute a break with the previous situation. It constitutes rather an acceleration of a process begun with the birth of nation-states. The impact of the values of modernity is general, since even those in power, whatever their tendency, invoke values of democracy, progress, freedom and justice, whereas submission is what was required of subjects. Nevertheless, people today look to religion for fixed reference points, because of the brutal transition (...)
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    Christian and Islamic philosophies of time.Sotiris Mitralexis & Marcin Podbielski (eds.) - 2018 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
    This volume constitutes an attempt at bringing together philosophies of time--or more precisely, philosophies on time and, in a concomitant way, history--emerging from Christianity's and Islam's intellectual histories. Starting from the Neoplatonic heritage and the voice of classical philosophy, the volume enters the Byzantine and Arabic intellectual worlds up to Ibn Al-Arabi's times. A conscious choice in this volume is not to engage with, perhaps, the most prominent figures of Christian and Arabic philosophy, i.e., Augustine on the one hand (...)
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    Friendship in Islamic ethics and world politics.Mohammad Jafar Amir Mahallati (ed.) - 2019 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    Based on a decade of direct diplomatic engagement with the United Nations, a decade of teaching on international relations, and another decade of research and teaching on Islamic and comparative peace studies, this book offers a friendship-related academic framework that examines shared moral concepts, philosophical paradigms and political experiences that can help developing and expanding multi-disciplinary conversations between the Christian West and the Muslim East. By advancing multicultural and inter-religious discourses on friendship, this book helps promoting actual friendships among diverse (...)
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    The Role of Islamic Schools in the Formation of European Müslim Culture and an Evaluation on the Possibility of Euro Islam (The Case of Netherlands-Arnhem).Hasan Gökmen - 2023 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 28 (2):137-152.
    The presence of muslim appeared by post colonial migration in Europe has begun to rice gradually and instinctively since 1960. Today, the population of immigrant muslims exceeding is 15 million has faced many problems such as political, socio-cultural and economic and this situation still remains up to date. Behind all these problems, it is alleged that the significiant integration problems occur and that there are also significiant ethnic and religious identity in front of the integration problems. The debates of Euro- (...) started in the 1900’s at this point are seen as a solution to the adaptation and integration problems of muslim immigrants around the concept of “Euro-Islam”. This study questions whether the provision of a social concept of ‘’Euro-islam’’ is in different terms rather than the results of politic Project assesment of the concept of “Euro-Islam”. In this sense, It reveals as a problem of whether the religious understanding of Muslim differs. The data about “Euro-islam” discussed in the example of Netherland was collected with detailed discussions. Islamic education and Islamic school in Netherland are discussed with the claim that education has significiant impacts in the formation of European Muslim Culture. It was concluded that using the concept of “European Muslim culture” instead of Euro-Islam or Eurooean Islam more accurate and that the differences occur in the culture of religious life of Muslim immigrants parallel to requirements of social life and the intereaction of socio-cultural life of Europe. These differences aren’t occured as a homogenous Muslim culture and emerged in the form of defensive, reactive understanding in which the religion is instrumentalized. (shrink)
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    Islam as a Symbolic Element of National Identity Used by the Nationalist Ideology in the Nation and State Building Process in Post-soviet Kazakhstan.Ayşegül Aydıngün - 2007 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 6 (17):69-83.
    The main intention of this article is to analyze the role of Islam in post-Soviet Kazakhstan and its utilization in the nation-building and state-building processes. It is argued that Islam in post-Soviet Kazakhstan is a cultural phenomenon rather than a religious one and is an important marker of national identity despite the competition of radical movements in the “religious field.”.
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    Sufi Deleuze: secretions of Islamic atheism.Michael Muhammad Knight - 2022 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    "There is always an atheism to be extracted from a religion," Deleuze and Guattari write in their final collaboration, What Is Philosophy? Their claim that Christianity "secretes" atheism "more than any other religion," however, reflects the limits of their archive. Theological projects seeking to engage Deleuze remain embedded within Christian theologies and intellectual histories; whether they embrace, resist, or negotiate with Deleuze's atheism, the atheism in question remains one extracted from Christian theology, a Christian atheism. In Sufi Deleuze, Michael Muhammad (...)
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    An Analytical Overview on the Girl's Inheritance Share Based on Gender in Islamic Law.İbrahim Yılmaz - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):347-376.
    Basic characteristic of Islamic heritage law, principally it has accepted the two-to-one ratio between the male and the female children/siblings in division of heritage. In Islamic inheritance law, the main/basic reason why the share of the male is twice the share of the female is no “value” judgments given to female/women in creation and gender in Islam, on the contrary, are real realities related with the roles and financial obligations that man and woman have undertaken, in other words, related (...)
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    The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Philosophy.Khaled El-Rouayheb & Sabine Schmidtke (eds.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    The study of Islamic philosophy has entered a new and exciting phase in the last few years. Both the received canon of Islamic philosophers and the narrative of the course of Islamic philosophy are in the process of being radically questioned and revised. Most twentieth-century Western scholarship on Arabic or Islamic philosophy has focused on the period from the ninth century to the twelfth. It is a measure of the transformation that is currently underway in the field that, unlike other (...)
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    Islam and the Spirits of Capitalism: Competing Articulations of the Islamic Economy.Aisalkyn Botoeva - 2018 - Politics and Society 46 (2):235-264.
    Why has the Islamic economy, as a model of socioeconomic development, gained traction as a viable option? The existing literature suggests that the Islamic economy has been popularized by a combination of factors, including anticolonial movements, a global renewal of religiosity, and the activities of new social strata who merge piety with capitalist orientations. These approaches, however, tend to homogenize social actors, subsuming them under the overarching label of Islamism. In contrast, this article employs the lens of “intra-hegemonic struggles” to (...)
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    The Revival of Islamic Rationalism: Logic, Metaphysics and Mysticism in Modern Muslim Societies.Masooda Bano - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, Masooda Bano presents an in-depth analysis of a new movement that is transforming the way that young Muslims engage with their religion. Led by a network of Islamic scholars in the West, this movement seeks to revive the tradition of Islamic rationalism. Bano explains how, during the period of colonial rule, the exit of Muslim elites from madrasas, the Islamic scholarly establishments, resulted in a stagnation of Islamic scholarship. This trend is now being reversed. Exploring the threefold (...)
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    Islamic Corporate Governance: Risk-Sharing and Islamic Preferred Shares.Mohammad Al-Suhaibani & Nader Naifar - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (4):623-632.
    The recent financial crises indicated the need to reinforce corporate governance mechanisms in emerging and developing market economies. Corporate governance refers to all the factors that affect firm processes. Firms must avoid debt financing instruments and adopt financing instruments that allow for “risk-sharing” rather than “risk-shifting” because all recent financial crises were, in essence, debt crises. The primary objective of this paper is to examine the principles of risk-sharing promoted by Islamic finance and study their implications for corporate governance. (...)
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  20. Islamic Law and Legal Positivism.Raja Bahlul - 2016 - Rivista di Filosofia Del Diritto [V, 2/2016, Pp. 245-266] 2 (V):245-266.
    The object of this paper is to elaborate an understanding of Islamic law and legal theory in terms of the conceptual framework provided by Legal Positivism. The study is not based on denying or contesting the claim of Islamic law to being of divine origin; rather, it is based on the historical reality of Islamic law as part of a (once) living legal tradition, with structure, method, and theory, regardless of claims of origin. It will be suggested that Ash‘arism (...)
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  21.  12
    Logic and Islam: answers to current questions.Magd Abdel Wahab - 2019 - Soesterberg, The Netherlands: Uitgeverij Aspekt.
    Throughout history, a believer did not need logical proof to believe in Almighty God. This is because the spiritual proof was always enough to admit the existence of Almighty God and to submit to Him. Finding Almighty God is not a mathematical equation that needs to be proven. Rather, it is a spiritual feeling due to a call from inside a human being. The relationship between Almighty God and humans is spiritual rather logical.However, with the advances in science (...)
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  22. Proposing an Islamic virtue ethics beyond the situationist debates.Muhammad Velji - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    I begin the first part by showing how situationism should make us question traditional understandings of virtues as intrinsic dispositions. I concentrate specifically on situationist experiments related to mood. I then introduce Islamic virtue ethics and the dawa movement. In parts two and three I examine ethnography of the dawa movement to explore how they deal with worries about the influence of mood on their virtue. In part two I show how they train their habits in very traditional virtue ethics (...)
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    The spirit of Islam in Javanese mantra: Syncretism and education.Onok Y. Pamungkas, Hastangka Hastangka, Sabar B. Raharjo, Anang Sudigdo & Iskandar Agung - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):7.
    The history of the development of Islam in Indonesia often fails because of the rejection of the local community. Therefore, it is necessary to make ethical efforts so that society can accept Islam. This research is an attempt to explain the Mantra by Sunan Kalijaga (after this referred to as SKM) as a medium for spreading Islam. This research uses a qualitative research paradigm. The primary data source is the spell text in Serat Kidungan ingkang Jangkep. Data (...)
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    Islam and Gender in Europe: Subjectivities, Politics and Piety.Maleiha Malik, Christine M. Jacobsen & Schirin Amir-Moazami - 2011 - Feminist Review 98 (1):1-8.
    This article critically addresses recent anthropological and feminist efforts to theorize and analyse Muslim women's participation in and support for the Islamic revival in its various manifestations. Drawing on ethnographic material from research on young Muslims engaged in Islamic youth and student-organizations in Norway, I investigate some of the challenges that researching religious subjectivities and practices pose to feminist theory. In particular, I deal with how to understand women's religious piety in relation to questions of self, agency and resistance. Engaging (...)
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    Skepticism in Classical Islam: Moments of Confusion.Paul L. Heck - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    The first major treatment of skepticism in Islam, this book explores the critical role of skeptical thinking in the development of theology in Islam. It examines the way key thinkers in classical Islam faced perplexing questions about the nature of God and his relation to the world, all the while walking a fine line between belief in God's message as revealed in the Qur'an, and the power of the mind to discover truths on its own. Skepticism in (...)
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    Islam, democracy and education for non-violence.Yusef Waghid - 2014 - Ethics and Education 9 (1):69-78.
    In this article, I shall attempt to rebuff the view that there is a necessary connection between a monotheistic religion, like Islam, and violence. Rather, I shall argue that the link between Islam and violence is a contingent one, that is, it is neither necessary nor impossible, depending on the reasons offered by a particular Islamic faith community or by individuals who exist on a continuum ranging from jihadist fundamentalists to Muslim reformists. Following such an analysis, I (...)
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  27. Feminism and the Islamic Revival: Freedom as a Practice of Belonging.Allison Weir - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (2):323-340.
    In her book, Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject, Saba Mahmood analyzes the practices of the women in the mosque movement in Cairo, Egypt. Mahmood argues that in order to recognize the participants as agents, we need to question the assumption that agency entails resistance to norms; moreover, we need to question the feminist allegiance to an unquestioned ideal of freedom. In this paper, I argue that rather than giving up the ideal of freedom, we (...)
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  28.  19
    What Is Islamic Law?Baudouin Dupret - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (2):79-100.
    In this article, I first criticize commonly held assumptions about what Islamic law is. I suggest that it is at best useless and at worst wrong to start with a label like ‘Islamic law’ to describe something that is presumed to be an instance of such a label. I identify the source of confusion, i.e. the postulate that there must be a kind of genealogical continuity between what people refer to as Islamic law and Islamic law as it is found (...)
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    Islamic Philosophy and Theology. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (3):588-588.
    Those looking for extensive accounts of Islamic theological and philosophical systems will not find them in this survey. It presents rather a historical sketch of the political and social forces operating in the Islamic world, from the time of Mohammed to the present, which gave rise to the basic trends in theology and philosophy. The complexity of these forces will impress the Western reader, and those wanting a background for more detailed study of Islamic philosophers and theologians will find (...)
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    Jewish and Islamic Philosophy: Crosspollinations in the Classical Age.Lenn Evan Goodman - 1999 - New Brunswick, N.J.: Edinburgh University Press.
    This book explores the major philosophical issues in the historic interplay of Islamic and Jewish philosophy. The problems considered are issues of abiding philosophical interest:* Freedom and determinism* The nature and meaning of history* The basis of ethical values* The foundations and social implications of friendship* The viability and relevance of the idea of GodThe approach taken here is distinctive in several ways. The perspective is cross-cultural, rather than parochial, synthetic rather than descriptive. The object is not to (...)
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    Revisiting Southeast Asian Civil Islam: Moderate Muslims and Indonesia’s Democracy Paradox.M. Khusna Amal - 2020 - Intellectual Discourse 28 (1):295-318.
    : There has been an intensive scholarly debate about the developmentof Indonesia’s post-New Order democracy. Some scholars have laudedIndonesia’s surprisingly successful transition to democratic consolidation,while others have disputed such a notion, arguing that Indonesia’s democraticprocess tends to be stagnant and even regressive. However, the absence ofa progressive civil society as a result of the increasingly dominant positionof oligarchic political elites in the structure of state power and democraticinstitutions, are a number of important factors that encourage the declineof democracy. This article (...)
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    Islam’s Marriage with Neoliberalism: State Transformation in Turkey, Yıldız Atasoy, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.Eren Duzgun - 2012 - Historical Materialism 20 (3):181-200.
    Yıldız Atasoy’s recent survey of state transformation in Turkey reiterates some of the most typical shortcomings of Marxian approaches to the Ottoman/Turkish modernisation. This involves an ahistorical conception of capitalism reduced to commercial expansion and a structuralist method that transhistoricises the historical differentiation of the economic from the political. Combined together in Atasoy’s book, capitalism no longer exists in the shape of specific social relations and particular juridical/political forms, but rather it precedes and determines them. Consequently, social struggles over (...)
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    Islam, Democracy and Civil Society.Chandran Kukathas - 2003 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 13 (2).
    The purpose of this article, more particularly, is to explore the place of Islam in the modern world-a world which contemporary writers increasingly try to understand by invoking the notions of democracy and civil society.For many, then, Islam stands in a relationship of tension with - if not complete antagonism to - democracy and modernity. It is a religion, and a philosophy, which is a throwback to the middle ages, and an obstacle to human progress.The concern of this (...)
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    Trajectory of Islamic psychology in Southeast Asia: Problems and prospects.Septi Gumiandari, Subandi Subandi, Abd Madjid & Ilman Nafi’A. - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):10.
    This study aims to answer the following research question: what are the problems and prospects of the development of Islamic psychology studies in Southeast Asia? This study used descriptive qualitative research and employs data triangulation during data collection. Documentation study, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions were used to obtain the data. Data were analysed using patterns of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. It can be concluded that Islamic psychology presents many problems and prospects for those (...)
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    ‘Safeguarding Islam’ in modern times: Politics, piety and Hefazat-e-Islami ‘ulama in Bangladesh.Muhammad Abdur Raqib - 2020 - Critical Research on Religion 8 (3):235-256.
    Within Muslim communities, the ‘ulama are considered the most crucial corporate social agency that drives the ideological and spiritual energy to the members of the society who find religious teachings necessary for their individual and social, if not always political, lives. However, when the ‘ulama of Bangladesh gathered under the umbrella platform of Hefazat-e-Islam in 2010, agitated by the numerous upheavals of the government’s policies, scholars and members of the civil society often dubbed them as regressive, reactionary, and insensitive (...)
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    Reading the Universe with Heart and Practicing Science as Religious Ethics: Reconciling Islam and Science in Contemporary Turkey.Berna Zengin Arslan - 2020 - Social Epistemology 34 (3):265-280.
    The article examines how the epistemologies of Islam and modern science are reconciled in the writings of the contemporary Turkish Sunni Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen (b. 1938), one of the once most influential yet vastly controversial religious leaders in contemporary Turkey. Through a close reading of his texts on science, the article analyzes how Gülen defines the scientific practice as an ethical act of reading the universe with heart and mind, and as a path in which one can fully (...)
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    Political Islam and the global economy.Nafis Irkhami - 2019 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 13 (2):407-432.
    This article discusses the entanglement of political Islam and the new global economy. It specifically addresses the epistemic fields of political economic concepts of the Islamist organisation of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia/HTI. This article argues that the organisation offers an entangled epistemic field of religion, politics, and economy. The Islamic concept of khilafah is particularly defined as a new global political and economic systems that challenge the currently dominant capitalist-state of western civilisation. The crucial elements of political economy of the (...)
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    Gendered Islam and Modernity in the Nation-Space: Women's Modernism in the Jamaat-e-Islami of Pakistan.Amina Jamal - 2009 - Feminist Review 91 (1):9-28.
    Feminist scholarship on women in religious and right-wing social and political movements has moved from a reductive focus on causal or motivational factors to more sophisticated analyses explicating processes of agency and subject formation. With the aim of expanding and deepening this conceptual space, I will discuss some of my interactions with a group of women in the Jamaat-e-Islami in Pakistan, as we attempted to explore the complex meanings of ‘the modern’ that informed the self-understanding of my interviewees. My work (...)
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    An Islamic Perspective on Peaceful Coexistence.Kabuye Uthman Sulaiman - 2021 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 1 (5):29-43.
    According to Abrahamic religions, namely Judaism, Christianity and Islam, human beings exist on the earth for a common purpose, and they have patrilineally and matrilineally descended from a single couple, namely Adam and Hawa (Eve). The Qur’an unambiguously mentions: “O mankind! reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single person, created, of like nature, His mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women; reverence Allah, through whom ye demand your mutual (rights), and (reverence) the (...)
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    Islamic Traditions of Modernity: Gender, Class, and Islam in a Transnational Women’s Education Project.Ayesha Khurshid - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (1):98-121.
    Women’s education has been central to discourses that have sought to modernize developing and Muslim societies. Based on ethnographic data collected from women teachers from rural and low-income communities of Pakistan, the article shows how being a parhi likhi woman implies acquiring a privileged subject position making claims to middle-class and Islamic morality, and engaging in specific struggles within, rather than against, the institutions of family, community, and Islam. This focus on the lived experiences of educated Muslim women (...)
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    Meta-Characteristics of Islamic Ethics and Moral Consistency in Islamic Banking.Jawad Syed & M. Ghufran Ahmad - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (8):2026-2059.
    This article presents a theory of how the consumption of Islamic products may promote morally consistent behavior over time. We identify and examine three unique meta-characteristics (MCs) of Islamic ethics: ubudiyah (subservience to God), akhirah (focus on the hereafter or the long-term), and tawado (being modest while doing an ethical act). In four experiments, we show that after consumption of an Islamic banking product, MCs produce moral consistency or repeat ethical behavior, which is one major objective of an ethical system. (...)
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    Looking Beneath the Surface: Medical Ethics From Islamic and Western Perspectives.Hendrik M. Vroom, Petra Verdonk, Marzouk Aulad Abdellah & Martina C. Cornel (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Editions Rodopi.
    Looking Beneath the Surface explores Arab-Islamic and Western perspectives on medical ethical issues: genetic research and treatment, abortion, organ donation, and palliative sedation and euthanasia. The contributions in this volume discuss the state of the art, the role of laws, counseling, and spiritual counseling in the decision-making process. The different approaches to the ethical issues, ways of moral reasoning, become clear in these contributions, especially the role of tradition for Islam and the importance of autonomy for the West. Beneath (...)
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    Religious literalism and science-related issues in contemporary Islam.Nidhal Guessoum - 2010 - Zygon 45 (4):817-840.
    The complex relations between Islam and modern science have so far mostly been examined by thinkers at the conceptual level. The wider interaction of religious scholars and preachers with the general public on science issues is an unexplored area that is worthy of examination, for it often is characterized by a literalistic approach. I first briefly review literalism in its various forms. The classical Islamic jurisprudential school of Zahirism, widely regarded as bearing the flag of juristic literalism, is also (...)
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    The Islamic and Western Cultures and Values of Privacy.Sattam Eid Almutairi - 2019 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 16 (1):51-80.
    The paper provides valuable accounts of the general concepts underlying privacy law in both cultures, and great detail about the impact of criminal procedure and evidence rules on privacy in reality rather than legal theory. It is, in this sense, a “realist” approach to privacy, particularly but not exclusively in relation to sexual activity. The distinction which the article draws between the frameworks within which privacy is conceived broadly, self-determination and limited government in the USA, protection of one’s persona (...)
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    The Foundation of Norms in Islamic Jurisprudence and Theology.Omar Farahat - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, Omar Farahat presents a new way of understanding the work of classical Islamic theologians and legal theorists who maintained that divine revelation is necessary for the knowledge of the norms and values of human actions. Through a reconstruction of classical Ashʿarī-Muʿtazilī debates on the nature and implications of divine speech, Farahat argues that the Ashʿarī attachment to revelation was not a purely traditionalist position. Rather, it was a rational philosophical commitment emerging from debates in epistemology and (...)
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    Democracy and Islam.Irfan Ahmad - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (4):459-470.
    The dominant debate on Islam and democracy continues to operate in the realm of normativity. This article engages with key literature showing limits of such a line of inquiry. Through the case study of India’s Islamist organization, Jamaat-e-Islami, I aim at shifting the debate from textual normativity to demotic praxis. I demonstrate how Islam and democracy work in practice, and in so doing offer a fresh perspective to enhance our understandings of both Islam and democracy. A key (...)
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    Adaptations and innovations: studies on the interaction between Jewish and Islamic thought and literature from the early Middle Ages to the late twentieth century, dedicated to Professor Joel L. Kraemer.Joel L. Kraemer, Y. Tzvi Langermann & Jossi Stern (eds.) - 2007 - Dudley, MA: Peeters.
    The interconnections, common interests, and other linkages between the Jewish and Islamic traditions have long been a matter of interest to academics. Today the need to understand these relationships, and to emphasize commonalities rather than conflicts, is of the greatest public interest. The present volume of studies, likely the first such collection in the scholarly literature, explores the full range of interconnections between Jews and Muslims in all fields (intellectual history, religion, philosophy, social history, etc.) and in all periods, (...)
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    The Impact of Islamic Feminism in Empowering Women’s Entrepreneurship in Conflict Zones: Evidence from Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine.Doaa Althalathini, Haya Al-Dajani & Nikolaos Apostolopoulos - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (1):39-55.
    The impact of Islam upon women’s entrepreneurship in conflict zones is woefully absent from the entrepreneurship literature. This is due to the absence of published scholarship about this context rather than the absence of Muslim women’s entrepreneurship there. To address the gap in the literature, we offer a contextualized analysis and contribution by adopting an Islamic feminism lens and explore how Islamic feminism empowers women entrepreneurs and their entrepreneurial activities and behaviours in conflict zones. We argue that Islamic (...)
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  49. Freedom of speech, multiculturalism and Islam: Yes we 'can' talk about this.Meg Wallace - 2013 - The Australian Humanist 109 (109):16.
    Wallace, Meg London's National Theatre recently hosted a debate about freedom of speech, multiculturalism and Islam called Can we talk about this? The opening line was a question to the audience, 'Are you morally superior to the Taliban?' Anne Marie Waters, who was present, wrote in her blog that 'very few people in the audience raised their hand to say they were.' This response demonstrates a misconceived attempt to be seen as tolerant and 'multiculturalist'. People could not bring themselves (...)
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    From the divine to the human: contemporary Islamic thinkers on evil, suffering, and the global pandemic.Muhammad U. Faruque & Mohammed Rustom (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Routledge.
    Featuring the work of leading contemporary Muslim philosophers and theologians, this book grapples with various forms of evil and suffering in the world today, from COVID-19 and issues in climate change to problems in palliative care and human vulnerability. Rather than walking down well-trodden paths in philosophy of religion which often address questions of evil and suffering by focusing on divine attributes and the God-world relationship, this volume offers another path of inquiry by focusing on human vulnerability, potential, and (...)
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